Executive Committee

The 39th Annual General meeting of the Malaysia Australia Business Council (MABC) was held on 20th June 2024 at the  Australian High Commission in Kuala Lumpur. It was a landmark event attended by our Honorary Life Chairman YAM Tunku Dato’ Seri Shahabuddin, where members passed the 2023 Audit Report and 7 individuals were re-elected or elected to the Executive Committee. As there were only 7 nominees for the 7 Exco vacancies, all 7 candidates this year were elected automatically. Mr. David Tjhung and Ms. Tri Meta Liaztiza Puteri joins the Exco as first time members.

The meeting also saw the adoption of a revised Constitution, bringing more clarity and ensuring the Council remains focussed on its restated objects and delivers value to members. Some of the more significant constitutional changes are the requirement (imposed by the Registrar of Societies) to elect the Honorary Treasurer and the Honorary Secretary. These 2 positions are to come from elected members of the Exco and who are subsequently appointed by the Exco. Mr. William Yeo and Ms. Celia Yeo have been elected, provisionally, to fill these positions respectively, pending approval of the constitutional amendments by the Registrar. The constitution also limits the number of ex officio members to those holding official positions at the Australian High Commission, AUSTRADE and the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia. In addition the Exco is empowered to co-opt an additional 5 representatives of corporate members to the Exco as observers with the view to engaging our Partners In Progress and sponsors. The Exco may also form any number of subcommittees to assist it with its functions and can promulgate rules on the functioning and duties of these committees. It is hoped that former ex officio members can participate in a more meaningful way through these committees.

We are thrilled to introduce the newly appointed Chairman, Mr Loong Caesar, who has been a member of MABC for 22 years since 2002. A corporate and commercial lawyer at Raslan, Loong, Shen & Eow, Mr. Loong specialises in complex commercial transactions and cross-border work with major international firms.